Factors Affecting the Composition of Expressed Fresh Human Milk.
The composition of breast milk depends on a whole range of factors that influence not only the quantity of milk available but also its composition. These include:
This study provides an overview of the composition of breast milk and the factors influencing it. If breast milk is expressed, this overview details the most important factors to ensure that the quality of the fresh, expressed breast milk can be retained as well as possible.
Breast milk is a very variable and complex fluid. So far, 200 different components have been identified in breast milk. Every newborn baby should be exclusively breastfed or fed on breast milk for four to six months. Between the infant's sixth month of life and their first birthday, they should continue to be fed on breast milk, whilst also being provided with supplementary food. If fresh breast milk is expressed, care must be taken to ensure this is done correctly and that the milk for feeding the baby is stored and prepared in the best possible way.