De esta manera los biberones y vasos entrenadores MAM se convierten rápida y sencillamente en prácticos envases conservadores.
The sealing discs transform all MAM wide neck bottles and trainers to storage containers quickly and easily. Liquids can be stored safely in the fridge or freezer.
Thanks to the practical size, the sealing discs are also ideal for on the go.
Fits all MAM bottles and trainers.
Todos los productos MAM están fabricados con materiales libres de BPA y BPS.
Para bebés de 0 meses
Yes, because the innovative protective cap ensures that the liquid remains in the bottle. This means there is no need for any small sealing disc: Simply place the protective cap on the bottle and then you can transport it safely.
Es conveniente anotar la fecha de extracción directamente sobre el recipiente de conservación MAM. Para ello, los diseñadores de MAM han previsto un campo especial. Así se garantiza la utilización de acuerdo a la fecha de extracción.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an important component for the manufacturing of polycarbonate (PC), whereas Bisphenol S (BPS) is an organic chemical used to make polysulfone. Among other items, food packaging, plastic utensils and baby bottles are just a few examples of products made with PC, whereas the main usage of BPS is in thermal papers and inks. The problem: Trace amounts of chemical substances gradually leach out of the plastic into the food and might eventually get into the body. This can affect small children and infants in particular.
As a result of exposure to BPA, experts and studies have seen disruptions to the hormone system and brain, diabetes and heart damage as well as an increased risk of cancer. Although scientific evidence is not yet conclusive, the European Commission - based on the precautionary principle - has banned the usage of BPA in baby bottles in order to protect the health and safety of babies and small children.
Before the bottle is placed in the water bath or the bottle warmer, the sealing cap is always removed. The contents of the bottle must not boil – so do not pour any boiling liquids into it!
Before feeding begins, the bottle should be dried using a clean cloth.
Los biberones MAM se desenroscan para facilitar su limpieza. De esta manera, todas las partes se enjuagan fácilmente con agua y detergente suave. Las piezas se lavan perfectamente al utilizar el esterilizador. La esterilización antes de cada uso es de suma importancia sobre todo para los recién nacidos.
La leche extraída se conserva en la nevera (no en la puerta) durante 24 horas en el biberón MAM Anti-Colic, con la tetina y la tapa de cierre o los discos obturadores. De esta manera, la leche estará disponible en todo momento.