When babies cry frequently, one term quickly comes to mind that many people know: “three-month colic”. Although everyone seems to know something about it, colic is not always easy to treat because it is not an easily localized or diagnosable disease. What do we really know about three-month colic? Where does it come from and, most importantly, how can you help your baby with tummy ache?
Around 80 percent of infants often suffer from bloating and flatulence in the first three months of life. In around 10-15 percent of children, this can also lead to cramp-like, extremely severe stomach pains. If other diseases are excluded, we refer to this as three-month colic.
How to recognize three-month colic:
Colic or increased crying usually begins in the first weeks of life and decreases as the baby gets older.
In these cases, you should definitely discuss further treatment with your doctor.
Many parents despair when their baby screams continuously. After all, it is not just heartbreaking, but also strains their own nerves. The following points can be helpful:
If there are screaming clinics in your area, they are the perfect place to go. They are specialized in dealing with screaming babies and are thus able to offer professional help and support to stressed parents.
But you can also get advice from pediatricians in this difficult situation. It is important to never, ever shake the child, because an infant’s throat/neck area and brain are extremely sensitive and, in the worst case, this can lead to a brain hemorrhage.
The crying is not an accusation or a sign of parent failure – your baby is simply extremely sensitive and needs time to get used to the circumstances, physical processes and environment outside the safe, dark, quiet tummy. Give him or her the time and endure the phase with patience. After a few weeks at most, you will be presented with a happy, loving smile.
Photos: Shutterstock
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Gastroösophagealer Reflux und Säuglings in der pädiatrischen Praxis, ÖGKJ Pädiatrietage 2014, Pädiatrie & Pädologie 6/2014
Reduction of abdominal colic in infants by using bottom ventilated bottles, B. Lehner, A. Woppmann, R. Kerbl
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