Interview with Dr. Alejandro Jenik about his recently published article “Pacifier Use and SIDS” in the book “Investigation of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”, edited by Marta C. Cohen, Irene B. Scheimberg, J. Bruce Beckwith and Fern R. Hauck.
Source: Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death: The Past, the Present and the Future. Duncan JR, Byard RW, editors.Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press
Jenik: This modification represents a paradigm shift that allows families to make informed decisions on the use or avoidance of pacifiers. It paves the way for physicians, nurses and healthcare staff in general to continue supporting breastfeeding without needing to avoid an adequate recommendation of pacifier use when putting the baby to sleep; an intervention that has been clearly demonstrated to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Jenik: This book includes aspects in the investigation of SUID and SIDS that are not taken into account by other publications, including current standards of police investigation and post-mortem, incorporating all aspects of the investigation, the home visit, medical history and autopsy findings. Written by multidisciplinary experts, this vital guide uses clear reference tables and diagrams to present cutting-edge knowledge for the use of pediatric and general pathologists, pediatricians, medico-legal practitioners and anyone involved in the investigation of sudden infant deaths.
Jenik: There are numerous mechanisms that can contribute to pacifiers reducing the risk of SIDS. They improve autonomic control and prevent the infant from rolling over into the prone position, with the pacifier’s external grip having a favorable influence on the infant’s sleeping environment. They also help to maintain upper airway patency, increase blood pressure during sleep, increase “arousability” (controversial) and induce a forward movement of the mandible.
1Jenik A.G., Vain N.E., Gorestein A.N., Jacobi, N.E.: Does the Recommendation to Use a Pacifier Influcnece the Prevalence of Breastfeeding? The Journal of Pediatrics 2009